Strolling Strings
Requirements: Concurrent enrollment in another orchestra class.
Grades: 9-12
Description: Strolling Strings is a performing group for musicians who love to perform, and are concurrently enrolled in an orchestra ensemble. Students that wish to participate in Strolling Strings should contact Mr. Burton. Members of Strolling Strings will have a variety of performance opportunities both formal and informal. In addition to the orchestra repertoire, Strolling Strings students will also be exposed to different styles of string music, improvisation and arranging. Strolling Strings students memorize their music for performances. Students who participate in this group will become more polished and confident performers.
Concert Orchestra
Requirements: None
Grades: 9-12
Description: The Concert Orchestra is a performing group for the training of all incoming freshmen and other students who want to continue developing their instrumental skills to advance in the orchestra program. Students who participate in this course shall have performance opportunities in concerts. This ensemble will be studying orchestral educational literature of level 2-3.
Chamber Orchestra
Requirements: By audition
Grades: 9-12
Description: The Chamber Orchestra is a performing group which refines fundamental instrumental and musical skills, and prepares students for participation in Symphonic Strings. Students are placed into this ensemble by audition or promotion. Students who participate in this course shall have performance opportunities in concerts and competitions, and occasional tours. This ensemble will be studying orchestra educational literature of level 2-4, with emphasis on refining techniques and rehearsal effectiveness. Students at this level should be able to play two octave major scales, have a developed center of intonation, use vibrato, produce a characteristic tone in a variety of registers, sightread common rhythms, and perform intermediate string literature.
Symphonic Strings
Requirements: By audition
Grades: 10-12
Description: Symphonic Strings is the principal orchestral ensemble at Desert Ridge High School. Students who participate in this course shall have performance opportunities in concerts and competitions, as well as any other performances in service of the school and surrounding community. Students are placed in this ensemble by audition or promotion. Students in this ensemble are expected to participate in the audition process for the Central All Region Festival. Students are expected to have well developed fundamental skills, such as accurate rhythm decoding, a developed center of intonation and ensemble ship, fluent technique through the upper positions of their instrument, and be able to produce a variety of tone, dynamics, and articulations with their bow. Students will also have demonstrated reliability and focus in regards to their approach to rehearsals and concerts. This ensemble will be studying orchestra literature of level 4-6, as well as collaborate with members of the Wind Ensemble to perform full orchestra literature.
Members of Symphonic Strings will be required to participate in either Solo and Ensemble or audition for the Central Region Honor Orchestra, as a graded activity.